Dreamer Award Vision

You may have heard of the Dreamer Award, possibly even through this website. I want to take the time take the time to share with you the vision behind the Dreamer Award. As the founder of Making Dreams Come True, I experienced something early on in my entrepreneurial journey that changed my life. I had been working in corporate America and it was not going well. I was struggling with mental and physical health issues, because of the stress and the toll that the corporate environment was taking on me as a disabled person. I'm sure many of you have experienced this. Despite reasonable accommodation we require more personal care and oftentimes it is challenging to keep up with our care while working a corporate job. In the middle of this struggle, I saw a career counselor and she advised that I be self employed. I had a limited knowledge, and had no idea how to be self employed. So, I began taking courses for free through the city council. I took courses on financial management and business acumen. After I had taken my classes and I was ready to start my business, I shared my vision with everyone I knew. I started a website, got a license. In this process a friend of mine who owned his own corporation was inspired to help me start my business. His corporation provided my new business $2000 in seed money. This allowed me to quit my corporate job and take the leap of faith to be self employed. $2000 was enough to get me started to take the leap of faith. It worked! I immediately started to earn an income through my new business and was able to sustain my living thing. I am still self employed and sustained by this living to this day. And so the Dreamer Award is birthed out of this act of kindness. It is a way of paying this forward again and again to a new extraabled entrepreneur every year. Our hope is that this award provides a launching point for your business so that you can get started and take your leap of faith. Take the leap of faith now and apply to the Dreamer Award!


Dreamer Award Winner of 2022 Marie Rolla

